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Gameex Bootup for Windows


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8 hours ago, Draco1962 said:


Виноват. То, что меня бросило, использовало слово install, когда оно казалось, он хотел сказать, что начать мгновенный sheller. У вас есть Instant Sheller, установленный под C: \ Users \ Pirat \ Downloads ...? Я рекомендую не устанавливать его в то, что может считаться защищенной областью в Windows. Попробуйте установить Instant Sheller в C: \ Instant Sheller и, как было указано ранее, установите для свойств instantsheller.exe свойства «Запуск от имени администратора» для всех пользователей. Затем укажите логотип загрузки в C: \ Instant Sheller \ Boot.bmp и посмотрите, работает ли это. Если это так, попробуйте изменить его на gameex.bmp. Если это отлично работает.

how can i reinstall it in windows again now i can't?

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11 hours ago, Draco1962 said:

@RedDog My bad. What threw me was using the word install when it appears he meant to say start instant sheller.

Do you have Instant Sheller installed under C:\Users\Pirat\Downloads... ? I recommend not installing it to what may be considered a protected area in Windows. Try installing Instant Sheller to C:\Instant Sheller and, as previously instructed, set the properties for instantsheller.exe to Run as administrator for all users. Then point the Boot logo to C:\Instant Sheller\Boot.bmp and see if that works. If so, then try changing it to gameex.bmp. If that does work great. 

I did everything, but the boot window was not active

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To be fair, I think it's just really difficult to shell that screen in W7 & up, so Instant Sheller has it disabled. I've seen people get around it in rather sketchy ways that involve kernel patching (gross)... Eventually I just gave up on trying to do it.

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Agreed. I would set Windows to not display desktop icons, change as much as possible to black and load GameEx. To be honest, once you turn  on the cab and GameEx loads, you aren't going to see it. 

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@Pirat If you have a new question, please start a new thread. Posing multiple unrelated questions in the same thread can make it confusing when others try to use the thread later on to resolve their own questions. I am asking an admin if they can move your above post to a new thread.

As far as this thread, are you OK with taking Adultry's and Draco's advice on not pursuing changing the Windows boot screen?

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