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Evil Dead (P-ROC) PBX launcher and media generator

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Hi, I installed horseyhorsey's fine original table based on the classic, Evil Dead. It runs on Visual Pinball X using the P-ROC to VP framework instead of VPM. Install instructions here:



Although it is a VP table, launching it cleanly requires a different procedure. Horseyhorsey wrote a launcher executable that automatically closes a C++ runtime window that normally comes up. This executable is found with the GUI & Launcher link here:


For my specific configuration, I used once again a different resolution for my DMD display in order to maintain the native aspect ratio for the DMD assets included with this table (550x300). I control this with Display Changer II. Like VP, I use antimicro to map the exit button on my VirtuaPin Plunger Kit controller.

In other words, it is different enough that I went ahead and set up a separate system in PinballX.ini to handle just this table.

#SingleInstance force
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
DetectHiddenWindows, On
Run, "%antimicro_Path%\antimicro.exe" --no-tray --hidden --profile "%antimicro_Path%\profiles\VP.joystick.amgp"
Run, dc2.exe -configure="%A_ScriptDir%\dc2config\EDSettings.xml",, Hide
Run, vp_proc_loader.exe -l "C:\P-ROC\Visual Pinball\vpinballx.exe" "C:\P-ROC\Visual Pinball\Tables\EvilDead.vpx",, Min
WinWaitActive, ahk_class VPPlayer
Sleep, 1000
WinActivate, ahk_class VPPlayer
IfWinNotExist, ahk_class VPPlayer
Run, dc2.exe -configure="%A_ScriptDir%\dc2config\4KSettings.xml"
Run, taskkill /im antimicro.exe /f,, Hide
Sleep, 1000
Goto, checkVPPlayer
; ***********************************************
; CloseVP from FPLaunch
;toLog("CloseVP Called")
;Hotkey, %exitScriptKey%, Off
;GoSub rosveClose
;GoSub bigbossClose ; change loops completely, put all data in xml !!! too slow
;Visual Pinball must be closed this way instead of killing process
;or it wil not save your last game information.i.e score/credtis
;DetectHiddenWindows on ;Or next line will not work
;Loop, 4
;Gui, %A_Index%: Destroy
;This line fixes where the VP Window flashes real quick
;when closing the window for a cleaner exit
; win hide removed cause vp should be minimized, not hidden
;WinHide, ahk_class VPinball
;WinShow, ahk_class VPinball
WinMinimize, ahk_class VPinball
WinClose, ahk_class VPinball
WinWaitClose ahk_class VPinball
; bigbossclose won't get executed cause main thread will exit
;GoSub bigbossClose
; there's no need for exitscript cause main thread will do it
;Goto ExitScript
; ***********************************************
#IfWinActive ahk_class VPPlayer
; Interlock Switch
; i::
; Send {End}
; SetTimer, WaitForJoy7, 10
; Return
; WaitForJoy7:
; if GetKeyState("Joy7")
; return
; Send {End}
; SetTimer, WaitForJoy7, off
; Return
; Exit Table
Gosub CloseVP


Here's the script to generate playfield, backglass, and DMD videos. It's based on my capture script and uses ffmpeg. Again, the configuration for my system was different enough from VP that it was easier/faster just to code a separate program. There are not many P-ROC tables at this point and no expectation that each one will follow the same standards with regard to how it is launched or how the DMD will be displayed. But this will at least work for the one table:
#SingleInstance force
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
DetectHiddenWindows, On
; User inputs
Audio_Device="Stereo Mix (Realtek High Defini"
;Audio_Device=""What U Hear" (Creative SB Audi"
Run, "%PinballX_Path%\Scripts\dc2.exe" -configure="%PinballX_Path%\Scripts\dc2config\EDSettings.xml",, Hide
Run, "%PinballX_Path%\Scripts\vp_proc_loader.exe" -l "C:\P-ROC\Visual Pinball\vpinballx.exe" "C:\P-ROC\Visual Pinball\Tables\EvilDead.vpx"
Process, Wait, vpinballx.exe
WinWaitActive, ahk_class VPPlayer
Sleep, 1000
WinActivate, ahk_class VPPlayer
Sleep, 5000 ; Allow time for table score display to get well beyond loading and boot images
; Fastest Capture
; Run, %FFMPEG_Path%\ffmpeg -t 70 -rtbufsize 1500M -f dshow -i audio=%Audio_Device% -f gdigrab -framerate 30 -offset_x 0 -offset_y 0 -video_size 1920x1080 -i desktop -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast -qp 0 -c:a copy -threads 8 "%A_ScriptDir%\playfield.mkv",, Hide
Run, %FFMPEG_Path%\ffmpeg -t 70 -f gdigrab -framerate 30 -offset_x 0 -offset_y 0 -video_size 1920x1080 -i desktop -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast -qp 0 -threads 8 "%A_ScriptDir%\playfield.mkv",, Hide
Run, %FFMPEG_Path%\ffmpeg -t 70 -f gdigrab -framerate 30 -offset_x 1920 -offset_y 0 -video_size 1920x1080 -i desktop -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast -qp 0 -threads 8 "%A_ScriptDir%\bg.mkv",, Hide
Run, %FFMPEG_Path%\ffmpeg -t 70 -f gdigrab -framerate 30 -offset_x 3866 -offset_y 200 -video_size 1100x600 -i desktop -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast -qp 0 -threads 8 "%A_ScriptDir%\dmd.mkv",, Hide
WinActivate, Visual Pinball Player
WinWaitActive, Visual Pinball Player
Process, WaitClose, ffmpeg.exe, 80
Process, Close, %ErrorLevel%
Run, taskkill /im vpinballx.exe /f,, Hide
WinKill, Form1
Run, "%PinballX_Path%\Scripts\dc2.exe" -configure="%PinballX_Path%\Scripts\dc2config\StandardSettings.xml",, Hide
; Post Capture Trim and Transcode
Run, %FFMPEG_Path%\ffmpeg -y -i "%A_ScriptDir%\playfield.mkv" -ss 5 -to 65 -vf [in]rotate=PI:bilinear=0[middle];[middle]scale=1920:-1[out] -map 0:0 -c:v libx264 -crf 26 "%PinballX_Path%\Media\Evil Dead\Table Videos\Evil Dead (Original 2015).f4v"
Run, %FFMPEG_Path%\ffmpeg -y -i "%A_ScriptDir%\bg.mkv" -ss 5 -to 65 -vf "scale=1920:-1" -c:v libx264 -crf 26 "%PinballX_Path%\Media\Evil Dead\Backglass Videos\Evil Dead (Original 2015).f4v"
Run, %FFMPEG_Path%\ffmpeg -y -i "%A_ScriptDir%\dmd.mkv" -ss 5 -to 65 -c:v libx264 -crf 26 "%PinballX_Path%\Media\Evil Dead\DMD Videos\Evil Dead (Original 2015).f4v"
Process, WaitClose, ffmpeg.exe
; Clean up
FileDelete, %A_ScriptDir%\playfield.mkv
FileDelete, %A_ScriptDir%\bg.mkv
FileDelete, %A_ScriptDir%\dmd.mkv

Wheel image that I obtained from this source and colorized




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  • 1 month later...

Yes. It's even perhaps a bit too big and the image projecting on the playfield makes messages displayed on the bottom of the screen a little hard to read. 

Using native DMD resolution scaled times 2 with the backglass screen set to a supported resolution 1152 x 864. In other words, it is close to edge-to-edge.

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  • 9 months later...

Just to spell it out:

All sources are trademarks/copyrights of their respective owners. My work is free to use by the community without attribution and is to be privately used in PinballX or for other non-commercial (or at least non-profit) pinball-related applications. I hold no responsibility for their misuse.  

So, yes, I approve the image's incorporation into the Mega Docklet image. 

Good luck finding Evil Dead the table though. 

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  • 1 year later...
3 hours ago, ilveropaolone said:


Even if someone knew, they would not tell you here if protected content was taken down, so don't ask for it as that would violate forum rules.

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