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  1. Hello GameEx family! :-) I figured out and built a little something in AHK that might be of some help. The problem - Sega Model 3 change Lightgun IDs after reboot, which causes the lightguns to not function or function incorrectly when trying to play The Lost World. This poses a problem if you are using dual lightguns. The solution - If you are tired of having to open the supermodel.ini file and have to plug in numbers...or (like me), if you have an arcade setup and want to change the IDs without opening the INI file, this is for you. :-). Due to the Labor Day holiday, I'm away from my cab and scripts at the moment. Tomorrow evening, I will edit this post and will go in depth on a tutorial to solve this issue. For now, here is a short video with the script in action...and I apologize before ya watch it - I tend to get a little nervous in front of cameras lol. http://youtu.be/61350i0Typ4 Oh, and this script is just the first step...hopefully I will have it automatically change to the correct IDs without having a UI :-). -------- Now for the goodies! Prerequisites: - AutoHotKey: http://ahkscript.org/ - A little "know how" on writing scripts - A working Sega Model 3 emulator with all settings configured Recommended: ControllerRemap, which can be found here: http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php?topic=108767.0 The basic idea for this is writing a small UI to easily change Lightgun IDs with Sega Model 3 really easily. I'm taking the script's code directly from what I've written, so please use this only as an example and a guide. Everything about this is completely customizable - you can add or take away anything you would feel comfortable with. (e.g. If you would like to add in drop down boxes that you can select different controllers, etc). I'm going to break this down in sections AND PLEASE NOTE THAT IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU CHANGE THE PATHS IN THIS SCRIPT TO WHERE EVER YOUR SUPERMODEL EMU FOLDER IS LOCATED, AND CREATE A NEW FOLDER INSIDE THE ROOT OF THE SUPERMODEL FOLDER FOR BACKING UP YOUR PREVIOUS INI FILE (THIS WILL BE EXPLAINED LATER). First and foremost, here is the entire script: ;;;;;;;;;THE USER INTERFACE;;;;;;;;;;Gui, Show, w400 h200, Sega Supermodel Lightgun Switch IDsGui, Add, Text, x100 y50 cred, Player #1 IDGUI, Add, DropDownList, x75 y75 voneplayer, ID 1||ID 2|ID 3|ID 4Gui, Add, Text, x250 y50 cblue, Player #2 IDGui, Add, DropDownList, x225 y75 vtwoplayer, ID 1||ID 2||ID 3||ID 4Gui, Add, Button, x300 y150 w50 h25 gok, OK!;;;;;;;;;CUSTOMIZE THE CONTROLS TO YOUR LIKING FOR ARCADE JOYSTICK AND PUSHBUTTON USE;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;9::Send {ENTER}0::Send {TAB}returnok:Gui, Submit, NoHide;;;;;;;;CHANGES VARIABLE INTO USEFUL IDs FOR SUPERMODEL.INI USE;;;;;;;{If oneplayer = ID 1 oneplayer := 1}{If oneplayer = ID 2 oneplayer := 2}{If oneplayer = ID 3 oneplayer := 3}{If oneplayer = ID 4 oneplayer := 4}{If twoplayer = ID 1 twoplayer := 1}{If twoplayer = ID 2 twoplayer := 2}{If twoplayer = ID 3 twoplayer := 3}{If twoplayer = ID 4 twoplayer := 4};;;;;;;;;BACKS UP OLD SUPERMODEL.INI FILE;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;FileMove, H:\Users\BoxOAwesome\Documents\MAME FINALE MOVE\Supermodel\Config\Supermodel.ini, H:\Users\BoxOAwesome\Documents\MAME FINALE MOVE\Supermodel\Old Config Backup, 1;;;;;;;;;CREATES NEW SUPERMODEL.INI FILE;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;FileAppend, (;;`n;; Supermodel Configuration File`n;; Default settings for Version 0.2a.`n;;`n `n`n;`n; Quick Overview`n; --------------`n;`n; All settings are case sensitive. Numbers must be unsigned, base 10 integers.`n; Check your spelling carefully because invalid settings are silently ignored.`n; To verify that your settings are being parsed correctly, check the contents`n; of error.log.`n;`n; Global options apply to all games. To create configuration profiles for`n; individual games, place settings under sections with the same name as the `n; corresponding MAME ROM set, like so:`n;`n; ; Scud Race`n; [ scud ]`n;`n; SoundVolume = 50`n; MusicVolume = 200`n; ; ... etc. ...`n;`n; Input mappings are an exceptional case: they are only allowed in the global`n; section. Per-game input mappings are not supported.`n;`n; For a list of all valid settings, please consult README.txt. Only default`n; inputs are assigned here.`n;`n`n`n[ Global ] ; Input settings can only be read from the global section!`n`n; Common `nInputStart1 = "KEY_1"`nInputStart2 = "KEY_2"`nInputCoin1 = "KEY_5"`nInputCoin2 = "KEY_6"`nInputServiceA = "KEY_HOME"`nInputServiceB = "KEY_END"`nInputTestA = "KEY_F2"`nInputTestB = "KEY_8"`n`n; 4-way digital joysticks`nInputJoyUp = "KEY_UP"`nInputJoyDown = "KEY_DOWN"`nInputJoyLeft = "KEY_LEFT"`nInputJoyRight = "KEY_RIGHT"`nInputJoyUp2 = "KEY_r"`nInputJoyDown2 = "Key_y"`nInputJoyLeft2 = "KEY_t"`nInputJoyRight2 = "KEY_u"`n`n; Fighting game buttons`nInputPunch = "KEY_9"`nInputKick = "KEY_0"`nInputGuard = "KEY_MINUS"`nInputEscape = "KEY_EQUALS"`nInputPunch2 = "KEY_i"`nInputKick2 = "KEY_o"`nInputGuard2 = "KEY_p"`nInputEscape2 = "KEY_["`n`n; Spikeout buttons`nInputShift = "KEY_9"`nInputBeat = "KEY_0"`nInputCharge = "KEY_MINUS"`nInputJump = "KEY_EQUALS"`n`n; Virtua Striker buttons`nInputShortPass = "KEY_9"`nInputLongPass = "KEY_0"`nInputShoot = "KEY_MINUS"`nInputShortPass2 = "KEY_i"`nInputLongPass2 = "KEY_o"`nInputShoot2 = "KEY_p"`n`n; Steering wheel`nInputSteeringLeft = "KEY_LEFT" ; digital, turn wheel left`nInputSteeringRight = "KEY_RIGHT" ; digital, turn wheel right`nInputSteering = "JOY1_XAXIS" ; analog, full steering range`n`n; Pedals`nInputAccelerator = "KEY_UP,JOY1_YAxis_NEG"`nInputBrake = "KEY_DOWN,JOY1_RZAxis_NEG"`n`n; Manual transmission`nInputGearShift1 = "JOY1_BUTTON9"`nInputGearShift2 = "JOY1_BUTTON10"`nInputGearShift3 = "JOY1_BUTTON11"`nInputGearShift4 = "JOY1_BUTTON12"`nInputGearShiftN = "KEY_T"`nInputGearShiftUp = "JOY1_BUTTON13" ; sequential shift up`nInputGearShiftDown = "JOY1_BUTTON14" ; sequential shift down`n`n; View buttons`nInputVR1 = "KEY_o"`nInputVR2 = "KEY_c"`nInputVR3 = "KEY_k"`nInputVR4 = "KEY_j"`n`n; Miscellaneous driving game buttons: Sega Rally 2, Dirt Devils, Emergency Car`n; Ambulance`nInputViewChange = "KEY_A,JOY1_BUTTON1"`nInputHandBrake = "KEY_S,JOY1_BUTTON2" ; Sega Rally 2 only`n`n; Virtual On macros`nInputTwinJoyTurnLeft = "KEY_Q,JOY1_RXAXIS_NEG"`nInputTwinJoyTurnRight = "KEY_W,JOY1_RXAXIS_POS"`nInputTwinJoyForward = "KEY_UP,JOY1_YAXIS_NEG"`nInputTwinJoyReverse = "KEY_DOWN,JOY1_YAXIS_POS"`nInputTwinJoyStrafeLeft = "KEY_LEFT,JOY1_XAXIS_NEG"`nInputTwinJoyStrafeRight = "KEY_RIGHT,JOY1_XAXIS_POS"`nInputTwinJoyJump = "KEY_E,JOY1_BUTTON1"`nInputTwinJoyCrouch = "KEY_R,JOY1_BUTTON2"`n`n; Virtual On individual joystick mapping`nInputTwinJoyLeft1 = "NONE"`nInputTwinJoyLeft2 = "NONE"`nInputTwinJoyRight1 = "NONE"`nInputTwinJoyRight2 = "NONE"`nInputTwinJoyUp1 = "NONE"`nInputTwinJoyUp2 = "NONE"`nInputTwinJoyDown1 = "NONE"`nInputTwinJoyDown2 = "NONE"`n`n; Virtual On buttons`nInputTwinJoyShot1 = "KEY_A,JOY1_BUTTON5"`nInputTwinJoyShot2 = "KEY_S,JOY1_BUTTON6"`nInputTwinJoyTurbo1 = "KEY_Z,JOY1_BUTTON7"`nInputTwinJoyTurbo2 = "KEY_X,JOY1_BUTTON8"`n`n; Analog joystick (e.g. Star Wars Trilogy)`nInputAnalogJoyLeft = "KEY_LEFT" ; digital, move left`nInputAnalogJoyRight = "KEY_RIGHT" ; digital, move right`nInputAnalogJoyUp = "KEY_UP" ; digital, move up`nInputAnalogJoyDown = "KEY_DOWN" ; digital, move down`nInputAnalogJoyX = "JOY_XAXIS,MOUSE_XAXIS" ; analog, full X axis`nInputAnalogJoyY = "JOY_YAXIS,MOUSE_YAXIS" ; analog, full Y axis`nInputAnalogJoyTrigger = "KEY_A,JOY_BUTTON1,MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON"`nInputAnalogJoyEvent = "KEY_S,JOY_BUTTON2,MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON"`n`n; Light guns`nInputGunLeft = "KEY_LEFT" ; digital, move gun left`nInputGunRight = "KEY_RIGHT" ; digital, move gun right`nInputGunUp = "KEY_UP" ; digital, move gun up`nInputGunDown = "KEY_DOWN" ; digital, move gun down`nInputGunX = "MOUSE%oneplayer%_XAXIS" ; analog, full X axis`nInputGunY = "MOUSE%oneplayer%_YAXIS" ; analog, full Y axis`nInputTrigger = "MOUSE%oneplayer%_LEFT_BUTTON"`nInputOffscreen = "MOUSE%oneplayer%_RIGHT_BUTTON" ; point off-screen`nInputAutoTrigger = 1 ; automatic reload when off-screen`nInputGunLeft2 = "NONE"`nInputGunRight2 = "NONE"`nInputGunUp2 = "NONE"`nInputGunDown2 = "NONE"`nInputGunX2 = "MOUSE%twoplayer%_XAXIS"`nInputGunY2 = "MOUSE%twoplayer%_YAXIS"`nInputTrigger2 = "MOUSE%twoplayer%_LEFT_BUTTON"`nInputOffscreen2 = "MOUSE%twoplayer%_RIGHT_BUTTON"`nInputAutoTrigger2 = 1`n`nForceFeedback = 0`nDirectInputConstForceMax = 40`nDirectInputSelfCenterMax = 100`nDirectInputFrictionMax = 100`nDirectInputVibrateMax = 100`nXInputConstForceThreshold=100`nXInputConstForceMax=70`nXInputVibrateMax100), H:\Users\BoxOAwesome\Documents\MAME FINALE MOVE\Supermodel\Config\Supermodel.iniGuiClose:ExitAppreturnPart I: ;;;;;;;;;THE USER INTERFACE;;;;;;;;;;Gui, Show, w400 h200, Sega Supermodel Lightgun Switch IDsGui, Add, Text, x100 y50 cred, Player #1 IDGUI, Add, DropDownList, x75 y75 voneplayer, ID 1||ID 2|ID 3|ID 4Gui, Add, Text, x250 y50 cblue, Player #2 IDGui, Add, DropDownList, x225 y75 vtwoplayer, ID 1||ID 2||ID 3||ID 4Gui, Add, Button, x300 y150 w50 h25 gok, OK!This one is pretty much self-explaintory. This adds a basic User Interface with two drop down boxes (containing IDs 1-4), sets their variables as %voneplayer% and %vtwoplayer%, and adds an "OK" button (as a launch). Part II: ;;;;;;;;;CUSTOMIZE THE CONTROLS TO YOUR LIKING FOR ARCADE JOYSTICK AND PUSHBUTTON USE;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;9::Send {ENTER}0::Send {TAB}returnIn this part, you can remap your keys, while the script is running, to your joysticks and pushbuttons - so that you won't have to drag your keyboard out and you can use your control panel to navigate through the UI. Part III: ok:Gui, Submit, NoHide;;;;;;;;CHANGES VARIABLE INTO USEFUL IDs FOR SUPERMODEL.INI USE;;;;;;;{If oneplayer = ID 1 oneplayer := 1}{If oneplayer = ID 2 oneplayer := 2}{If oneplayer = ID 3 oneplayer := 3}{If oneplayer = ID 4 oneplayer := 4}{If twoplayer = ID 1 twoplayer := 1}{If twoplayer = ID 2 twoplayer := 2}{If twoplayer = ID 3 twoplayer := 3}{If twoplayer = ID 4 twoplayer := 4}In this part, the variables "brought" into the "action" (I guess you would call it that lol) and are changed from "ID#" to just a "#" Part IV: ;;;;;;;;;BACKS UP OLD SUPERMODEL.INI FILE;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;FileMove, H:\Users\BoxOAwesome\Documents\MAME FINALE MOVE\Supermodel\Config\Supermodel.ini, H:\Users\BoxOAwesome\Documents\MAME FINALE MOVE\Supermodel\Old Config Backup, 1In this part, the old supermodel.ini file is backed up to a backup folder (and overwrites the previous supermodel.ini file). This is useful just in case something goes array. Part V: (The Rest) ;;;;;;;;;CREATES NEW SUPERMODEL.INI FILE;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;FileAppend, (;;`n;; Supermodel Configuration File`n;; Default settings for Version 0.2a.`n;;`n `n`n;`n; Quick Overview`n; --------------`n;`n; All settings are case sensitive. Numbers must be unsigned, base 10 integers.`n; Check your spelling carefully because invalid settings are silently ignored.`n; To verify that your settings are being parsed correctly, check the contents`n; of error.log.`n;`n; Global options apply to all games. To create configuration profiles for`n; individual games, place settings under sections with the same name as the `n; corresponding MAME ROM set, like so:`n;`n; ; Scud Race`n; [ scud ]`n;`n; SoundVolume = 50`n; MusicVolume = 200`n; ; ... etc. ...`n;`n; Input mappings are an exceptional case: they are only allowed in the global`n; section. Per-game input mappings are not supported.`n;`n; For a list of all valid settings, please consult README.txt. Only default`n; inputs are assigned here.`n;`n`n`n[ Global ] ; Input settings can only be read from the global section!`n`n; Common `nInputStart1 = "KEY_1"`nInputStart2 = "KEY_2"`nInputCoin1 = "KEY_5"`nInputCoin2 = "KEY_6"`nInputServiceA = "KEY_HOME"`nInputServiceB = "KEY_END"`nInputTestA = "KEY_F2"`nInputTestB = "KEY_8"`n`n; 4-way digital joysticks`nInputJoyUp = "KEY_UP"`nInputJoyDown = "KEY_DOWN"`nInputJoyLeft = "KEY_LEFT"`nInputJoyRight = "KEY_RIGHT"`nInputJoyUp2 = "KEY_r"`nInputJoyDown2 = "Key_y"`nInputJoyLeft2 = "KEY_t"`nInputJoyRight2 = "KEY_u"`n`n; Fighting game buttons`nInputPunch = "KEY_9"`nInputKick = "KEY_0"`nInputGuard = "KEY_MINUS"`nInputEscape = "KEY_EQUALS"`nInputPunch2 = "KEY_i"`nInputKick2 = "KEY_o"`nInputGuard2 = "KEY_p"`nInputEscape2 = "KEY_["`n`n; Spikeout buttons`nInputShift = "KEY_9"`nInputBeat = "KEY_0"`nInputCharge = "KEY_MINUS"`nInputJump = "KEY_EQUALS"`n`n; Virtua Striker buttons`nInputShortPass = "KEY_9"`nInputLongPass = "KEY_0"`nInputShoot = "KEY_MINUS"`nInputShortPass2 = "KEY_i"`nInputLongPass2 = "KEY_o"`nInputShoot2 = "KEY_p"`n`n; Steering wheel`nInputSteeringLeft = "KEY_LEFT" ; digital, turn wheel left`nInputSteeringRight = "KEY_RIGHT" ; digital, turn wheel right`nInputSteering = "JOY1_XAXIS" ; analog, full steering range`n`n; Pedals`nInputAccelerator = "KEY_UP,JOY1_YAxis_NEG"`nInputBrake = "KEY_DOWN,JOY1_RZAxis_NEG"`n`n; Manual transmission`nInputGearShift1 = "JOY1_BUTTON9"`nInputGearShift2 = "JOY1_BUTTON10"`nInputGearShift3 = "JOY1_BUTTON11"`nInputGearShift4 = "JOY1_BUTTON12"`nInputGearShiftN = "KEY_T"`nInputGearShiftUp = "JOY1_BUTTON13" ; sequential shift up`nInputGearShiftDown = "JOY1_BUTTON14" ; sequential shift down`n`n; View buttons`nInputVR1 = "KEY_o"`nInputVR2 = "KEY_c"`nInputVR3 = "KEY_k"`nInputVR4 = "KEY_j"`n`n; Miscellaneous driving game buttons: Sega Rally 2, Dirt Devils, Emergency Car`n; Ambulance`nInputViewChange = "KEY_A,JOY1_BUTTON1"`nInputHandBrake = "KEY_S,JOY1_BUTTON2" ; Sega Rally 2 only`n`n; Virtual On macros`nInputTwinJoyTurnLeft = "KEY_Q,JOY1_RXAXIS_NEG"`nInputTwinJoyTurnRight = "KEY_W,JOY1_RXAXIS_POS"`nInputTwinJoyForward = "KEY_UP,JOY1_YAXIS_NEG"`nInputTwinJoyReverse = "KEY_DOWN,JOY1_YAXIS_POS"`nInputTwinJoyStrafeLeft = "KEY_LEFT,JOY1_XAXIS_NEG"`nInputTwinJoyStrafeRight = "KEY_RIGHT,JOY1_XAXIS_POS"`nInputTwinJoyJump = "KEY_E,JOY1_BUTTON1"`nInputTwinJoyCrouch = "KEY_R,JOY1_BUTTON2"`n`n; Virtual On individual joystick mapping`nInputTwinJoyLeft1 = "NONE"`nInputTwinJoyLeft2 = "NONE"`nInputTwinJoyRight1 = "NONE"`nInputTwinJoyRight2 = "NONE"`nInputTwinJoyUp1 = "NONE"`nInputTwinJoyUp2 = "NONE"`nInputTwinJoyDown1 = "NONE"`nInputTwinJoyDown2 = "NONE"`n`n; Virtual On buttons`nInputTwinJoyShot1 = "KEY_A,JOY1_BUTTON5"`nInputTwinJoyShot2 = "KEY_S,JOY1_BUTTON6"`nInputTwinJoyTurbo1 = "KEY_Z,JOY1_BUTTON7"`nInputTwinJoyTurbo2 = "KEY_X,JOY1_BUTTON8"`n`n; Analog joystick (e.g. Star Wars Trilogy)`nInputAnalogJoyLeft = "KEY_LEFT" ; digital, move left`nInputAnalogJoyRight = "KEY_RIGHT" ; digital, move right`nInputAnalogJoyUp = "KEY_UP" ; digital, move up`nInputAnalogJoyDown = "KEY_DOWN" ; digital, move down`nInputAnalogJoyX = "JOY_XAXIS,MOUSE_XAXIS" ; analog, full X axis`nInputAnalogJoyY = "JOY_YAXIS,MOUSE_YAXIS" ; analog, full Y axis`nInputAnalogJoyTrigger = "KEY_A,JOY_BUTTON1,MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON"`nInputAnalogJoyEvent = "KEY_S,JOY_BUTTON2,MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON"`n`n; Light guns`nInputGunLeft = "KEY_LEFT" ; digital, move gun left`nInputGunRight = "KEY_RIGHT" ; digital, move gun right`nInputGunUp = "KEY_UP" ; digital, move gun up`nInputGunDown = "KEY_DOWN" ; digital, move gun down`nInputGunX = "MOUSE%oneplayer%_XAXIS" ; analog, full X axis`nInputGunY = "MOUSE%oneplayer%_YAXIS" ; analog, full Y axis`nInputTrigger = "MOUSE%oneplayer%_LEFT_BUTTON"`nInputOffscreen = "MOUSE%oneplayer%_RIGHT_BUTTON" ; point off-screen`nInputAutoTrigger = 1 ; automatic reload when off-screen`nInputGunLeft2 = "NONE"`nInputGunRight2 = "NONE"`nInputGunUp2 = "NONE"`nInputGunDown2 = "NONE"`nInputGunX2 = "MOUSE%twoplayer%_XAXIS"`nInputGunY2 = "MOUSE%twoplayer%_YAXIS"`nInputTrigger2 = "MOUSE%twoplayer%_LEFT_BUTTON"`nInputOffscreen2 = "MOUSE%twoplayer%_RIGHT_BUTTON"`nInputAutoTrigger2 = 1`n`nForceFeedback = 0`nDirectInputConstForceMax = 40`nDirectInputSelfCenterMax = 100`nDirectInputFrictionMax = 100`nDirectInputVibrateMax = 100`nXInputConstForceThreshold=100`nXInputConstForceMax=70`nXInputVibrateMax100), H:\Users\BoxOAwesome\Documents\MAME FINALE MOVE\Supermodel\Config\Supermodel.iniGuiClose:ExitAppreturnIn this part, the supermodel.ini file is created and saved into the Segal Model 3 Emulator's Config folder....with the new variables "plugged in". This part is going to be the most "work" in creating this. What I did was copy and paste my entire supermodel.ini file inside the script; added a semicolon at the beginning of every line; then replaced each semicolon with a " `n " and made one big "line". For any of you who are new to AHK, doing this tells the script that when it creates the file, the " `n " is where a new line starts. All in all, you would want the script to create a mirror image of your file, except for where you plug in your variables. Where does ControllerRemap come at in all of this? - you may ask... ...for me, it takes the "guess work" out of finding out what IDs your lightguns were assigned to. If you have ControllerRemap to run when your cab, or other setup, boots up, you can look in any lightgun mame game to figure out what the new lightgun IDs are and then apply them to Sega Model 3 using this method. What I would like for it to do...lol, and feel free to help me out on this if you want...is I would like for it to copy and convert the "MyArcade.cfg" file (from ControllerRemap) to an XML file (after ControllerRemap runs)...then it will "read" the newly mapped ID's and then create the supermodel.ini file with the new ID's..pretty much everything done automatically without the use of a UI. I have just about everything ready on this, I just cannot get the AHK script to read the XML file for some reason. I hope this helps, and if anytime you need my assistance, please feel free to send me a pm anytime! LC
  2. Hi guys, Today I plugged in the Arcade Lightgun from Ultimarc on my arcade cabinet. I configured and calibrated the gun and it works like a charm. But only if I execute MAME on the commandline, like 'mame [gamename] -lightgun'. When I use Gameex, the gun will not work, although I executed every step in Ultimarcs manual: I altered mame.ini and configured the gun in the MAME menu. I tried the MAME commandline options in GameEx but it makes no difference, the gun is still not working. What am I missing? The lightgun works okay, untill the moment the Mame game is loaded. So, MAME via commandline = fun with lightgun. MAME via GameEx = no lightgun
  3. Hey All, I thought a few of you might be interested in the AimTrak recoil lightgun I've made. I managed to find a Cybergun Desert Eagle .50 AE on ebay for £7 and decided to gut it and fit my new AimTrak recoil kit inside instead of buying another housing. Took a bit of soldering as I had to desolder the camera part in order to fit it in the barrel but it came out quite well. I also managed ti fit the solenoid in a great place for the recoil action to pull the top part of the gun back after I figured a way to attach it. Here are a few pics of the finish gun (sorry about the quality, its my rubbish phone)
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