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  1. I have started a PinballX Steam Community Group for those that are interested in joining. It is my hope that we can try to schedule some competitions for Pinball FX2, TPA, Zaccaria Pinball and more between members of our community. Of course, the PinballX Steam Community will be for much more than competitions. This is open to all members of the PinballX and GameEx forum community with Steam accounts. Any competitions will require an active Steam Account and games running via Steam for high score validation for game competitions. I hope to see you there!
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Visual Pinball X trae muchas mejoras que no puedes dejar pasar, para quienes no tenían ya instalado Visual Pinball no existe ningún motivo para que a la hora de hacer la instalación no lo hagan ya con esta nueva versión ya que además, podrán añadir mesas de otras versiones. Entre quienes ya tienen Visual Pinball 9 ya instalado y configurado, existe un gran temor a que algo salga mal y tengan que configurarlo todo de nuevo, desde aquí les puedo decir que no sólo no van a tener problemas, si no que lo más probable es que solucionen problemas existentes. Unos por hacer una nueva instalación y otros por usar VPLauncher. ¿QUE ES VPLAUNCHER? VPLauncher es un script de AutoHotkey que le va a decir a PinballX con que versión debe abrir cada mesa, lo cual nos permitirá tener mesas de varias versiones. Por ejemplo Monster Bash, me funcionaba correctamente abriéndola con doble clic ya que la abría con VPinball992.exe, pero PinballX la abría con Vpinball921.exe, lo cual provocaba fallos de funcionamiento. El Script no está programado por mi, encontré la información en VPForums y le he hecho algún retoque para que coincidan los nombres con los de la instalación de VPX. ¿DÓNDE PONGO VPLAUNCHER? VPLancher tienes que ponerlo en tu carpeta Visual Pinball, junto con todos los .exe de Visual Pinball. Veras que hay dos ejecutables en la descarga, VPLauncher.exe y VPLauncher32Bit.exe, si usas un sistema operativo de 32 Bits, deberás usar el de 32 Bits o no te abrirá las mesas. Yo solo recomiendo un sistema de 32 bits si vas a jugar en modo escritorio (1 pantalla) ya que un sistema de 32 bits no de reconocerá más de 3Gb de RAM y para jugar en modo cabinet (2 o 3 pantallas) es recomendable como mínimo 4Gb de RAM y un procesador de cuatro núcleos. ¿QUE CONTIENE EL SCRIPT? #SingleInstance force SetTitleMatchMode 2 DetectHiddenWindows On SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% vpt=vpt vpx=vpx playme=/play editme=/Edit Table = %1% ;Variable direct table SplitPath, Table, Tname, Tdir, Text, Tname_no_ext, Tdrive SplitPath, Tdir,, vpdir If (Text=%vpt%) or (Text=%vpx%) { goto Tabledetected } Table = %2% ;Variable from PinballX or batch file personal use. SplitPath, Table, Tname, Tdir, Text, Tname_no_ext, Tdrive StringTrimLeft, Table, Table, 1 SplitPath, Tdir,, vpdir StringTrimLeft, vpdir, vpdir, 1 If (Text=%vpt%) or (Text=%vpx%) { if playme=%1% function=%playme% else function=%editme% goto Tabledetected } exitapp Tabledetected: IfInString, Table, VP92 { myexe=VPinball921.exe } IfInString, Table, VP99 { myexe=VPinball992.exe } IfInString, Table, physmod5 { myexe=VPinball99_PhysMod5.exe } IfInString, Table, vpx { myexe=VPinballX.exe } if myexe= { myexe=VPinball921.exe } If function=%editme% RunMytable =%vpdir%\%myexe% /Edit -“%Table%” Else RunMytable =%vpdir%\%myexe% /play -“%Table%” Run, %RunMytable% checkprocessagain: Process, wait, %myexe%, 5.5 NewPID = %ErrorLevel% ; Save the value immediately since ErrorLevel is often changed. if NewPID = 0 goto checkprocessagain Process, WaitClose, %NewPID% exitapp return ¿Y COMO FUNCIONA? Pués ese Script, entre otras cosas, lo que está haciendo es, basándose en parte del texto, ejecutar la mesa en la versión que corresponda. Todas las mesas de VPX las va a ejecutar con VPinballX.exe ya que todas contienen .vpx en su extensión. La mesas de Monster Bash, para que me la ejecute correctamente la he renombrado a VP92_Monster…. Y cuando no encuentra una descripción coincidente, lo hará con VPinball921.exe, con lo cual, solo tenemos que renombrar las mesas que nos den problemas con la versión 921, aunque si quieres renombrarlas todas tampoco sería un problema. ¿QUE HAY QUE CAMBIAR EN PINBALLX? En PinballX, en la configuración de Visual Pinball, tan solo tienes que cambiar el ejecutable, VPinball921.exe por VPLauncher.exe (64Bits) o VPLauncher32Bit.exe (32Bits), todos los demás parámetros se mantienen. (Si es tu primera instalación, visita el manual de PinballX). ¿NADA MAS? Nada más. simplemente comentar que si necesitas editar el Script, necesitas el programa gratuito AutoHotkey, que puedes bajar de su web: https://autohotkey.com/ sólo si necesitas editarlo, del enlace de descarga ya lo tienes como ejecutable para que funcione en cualquier equipo. Tan solo tienes que descomprimir, meter el VPLauncher.exe en tu carpeta Visual Pinball y hacer lo que hemos comentado en este tema.
  3. Well it hasn't been thy issue for a long time and we can't rename the thread. Issue was table videos freezing when scrolling. Tables now fine, occurs on backglass. Likely a similar but different issue and cause Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. So new issue when pinballx loads the backglass shows different game then imported. example terminator selected and tron backglass shows. When the game is loaded the backglass corrects itself. Then switches back when entering pinballx front end. I have found and deleted all png image files of the one showing in pinballx still continues to remain. Is there a location where that file is cached or stored. I have imported it from the FTP and selected manually. Also deleted it in game list manager and readded. Just reinserts it. Any insight would be great. Tks in advanced.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    I already have finished videos horizontal games to integrate them into PinballX... --------------------------------------------------- Ya tengo terminados los vídeos de los juegos horizontales para integrarlos en PinballX.
  6. Version 1.0.0


    I'm using the backglass of TerryRed for MAME pack that I have integrated into PinballX. I made some new ones that were not. I have also modified other I did not like the Neo-Geo all because I do not like your marquee and other personal preferences. (46 in total) Pongo here I have done or changed, the rest already on the FTP uploaded by TerryRed. ----------------------------------------- Estoy usando los backglass de TerryRed para el pack de MAME que tengo integrado en PinballX. He hecho algunos nuevos que no estaban. También he modificado otros que no me gustaban, las de Neo-Geo todas ya que no me gusta su marquesina y otras por preferencias personales. (46 en total) Pongo aquí las que yo he hecho o modificado, el resto ya están en el FTP subidas por TerryRed.
  7. Version 1.0.1


    This is an Xpadder plugin for PinballX. You can seamlessly integrate your pin cab with Xpadder quickly and easily. Just browse to the Xpadder.exe, select your installed machine from the drop down list, and browse to the profile you want to load for it. To remove the settings for a machine, just click the REMOVE PROFILES button and they're gone. No need for Launch Before or Launch After commands with Xpadder, everything happens automatically. If you don't have a profile enabled, Xpadder won't launch (or close if it was running). You can also set profiles for navigating the PinballX interface! Unique to the PinballX version is the profile editing feature. Click the EDIT button next to the profile, and your Xpadder editor will launch allowing you to edit your commands quickly. This is the first plugin for me using the new system. It's working on my machine, but I only have a handful of tables running. I'd be interested to know how it works for others.
  8. MegaDocklets Visual Pinball Pack4 View File This fourth installment consists of 33 Mega Docklets of tables that I have in use and it makes a total of 195 MegaDocklets that future releases and petitions will be added. ------------------------------------ Esta cuarta entrega consta de 33 MegaDocklets de mesas que yo no tengo en uso y con ella hacen un total de 195 MegaDocklets a los que se añadirán futuros lanzamientos y peticiones. Submitter PcTeknic Submitted 07/15/2016 Category Wheel Images  
  9. Version 1.0.0


    This fourth installment consists of 33 Mega Docklets of tables that I have in use and it makes a total of 195 MegaDocklets that future releases and petitions will be added. ------------------------------------ Esta cuarta entrega consta de 33 MegaDocklets de mesas que yo no tengo en uso y con ella hacen un total de 195 MegaDocklets a los que se añadirán futuros lanzamientos y peticiones.
  10. MegaDocklets Visual Pinball Pack3 View File All tables are VP9 of which do not have the MegaDocklet Pinball Arcade by what has taken longer to prepare. They are 68 new tables MegaDoclets there the packs I got VP9, these are the ones I have in use in VPX. ------------------------------ Todas son mesas de VP9 de las que no tengo el MegaDocklet de Pinball Arcade por lo que ha llevado más tiempo prepararlo. Son 68 nuevos MegaDoclets de mesas que hay el los packs que yo subí de VP9, estos son de las que yo tengo en uso en VPX. Submitter PcTeknic Submitted 07/15/2016 Category Wheel Images  
  11. Version 1.0.0


    All tables are VP9 of which do not have the MegaDocklet Pinball Arcade by what has taken longer to prepare. They are 68 new tables MegaDoclets there the packs I got VP9, these are the ones I have in use in VPX. ------------------------------ Todas son mesas de VP9 de las que no tengo el MegaDocklet de Pinball Arcade por lo que ha llevado más tiempo prepararlo. Son 68 nuevos MegaDoclets de mesas que hay el los packs que yo subí de VP9, estos son de las que yo tengo en uso en VPX.
  12. Hi All, First off, im no programmer just a gadget junkie and old skool gamer..building for my daughters...who have helped with testing. I started to build a mame cab which turned into a pinball/mame cab which has now turned into a Mame/Pinball/VR cab. I have been using PinballX for everything and wondering is other VR vive users out there? I can get Mame/Future pinball (bam) and Pinball FX2 VR all working and this got me thinking how cool to have them all in a PinballX VR setup. I have Dolphin VR working also but not through Pinball X yet... :-) Any other want/need/think this would be cool? if so lets go behind Tom and team and see if something can be done? So in Short turn Pinball X into a VR front end for Pinball/Arcade..
  13. Hi guys, just a quick question When I update an exisiting table or just want to delete one I don't require when I do delete in the Game Manager does it also delete the files in MEDIA attached to that table? Thank you
  14. I am at a loss, I recently updated Pinball X and now none of the playfield tables I made (MP4) play anymore. These videos (1920x1080 MP4) had been displaying fine since November last year when I set it all up. Nothing else has been changed on the system other than doing the PinballX update. Interestingly the PinballX update caused other issues, my 3rd monitor vpinmame displays were all without sound and the sizing is now out as well.
  15. I am running the latest PinballX build on Windows 8. When scrolling through tables, if the executable is not set to run as an administrator, PinballX seems to lose focus and not recognise keyboard or button inputs. I need to alt tab back to get it to respond. I am using b2s backglassed in the front end and I suspect that they are stealing focus when loaded on scrolling to the next table. If I run PinballX as an administrator this issue disappears, but then table preview videos stall when scrolling. A video will play for the first table with a video, then when you scroll forward the next video won't play. Returning to the previous table video, it also no longer plays. I am stumped. Thanks in advance.
  16. Hi Guys, I'm sorry this has probably been asked a million times but I'm not actually hitting anything specific to my issue / issues. OK so I have a pile of parts and getting ready to start building a wide-body Future Pinball cabinet using this amazing software PinballX. But...I'm having a couple problems getting BAM's menu to even show up. #1. When I fire up PBX and load a table I'm hitting either the ~ key or q to bring up the BAM menu but nothing happens. I'm at a loss so I've taken a bunch of screenshots and I'll add my config file. #2. As you can see in the screenshot of the ACDC table running I have a grey DMD screen in the upper left corner but the table shows it as the familiar reddish orange. I plan on adding a 3rd monitor for the DMD display so I'm trying to nip that one in the bud in advance. The version of PinballX shows as 2.04 in the log txt which I know needs to be updated because when I fire up PBX while online it tells me so. I'm running in desktop mode for now simply because I'm setting up as much as I can in advance to help with a smoother transition to the cab. I know I'll NEED that BAM menu to scale the tables to the 42" led playfield when ready. Not to mention going to try to take full advantage of the head tracking or IR tracking for the 3D effect. Any help would be greatly appreciated and thanks much ! Dave My system specs are: Intel i7 2600K OC'ed @ 4.4ghz CPU Nvidia ( MSI ) GTX680 4gb GPU 32gb 1800mhz RAM ASUS Maximus ExtremeIV motherboard 256 GB SSD hdd / 1 tb hdd Windows 7 64 bit Ultimate Future Pinball Folder: PinballX Folder: PinballX settings: And obviously the ini :-) PinballX.ini log.txt
  17. When I try to start PinballX I get an expired message (in a window) telling me to load the latest PBX..... I've not seen this before? Have I missed something new? It seemed a little odd as I have run many versions of PBX, so I thought I should check just in case, as I've not seen it mentioned here.
  18. I have a Visual Pinball cabinet setup running just fine on Windows XP Professional, Version 2002, Service Pack 3. I also have HyperPin working as a front end. Have had this system for a few years now and all has been well. Then I heard about PinballX, saw it on a friends machine and thought it was great. So I just did a new install PinballX 2.14.... BUT, no matter what I do I can't get PinballX to launch. I get a Runtime Error (see my other post Runtime Error on New PinballX Install). So it got me wondering if PinballX can be run on Windows XP. Is it compatible? Anybody out there got the latest PinballX running on WindowsXP? Maybe I need an older version of PinballX with the Shark codecs? Any ideas or advice? Most instructions and posts are geared toward Windows 7 - understandable, but I really like my system and would love to have PinballX on it.
  19. I have Visual Pinball up and running on my system. I installed the latest version of PinballX 2.14 onto my system. My operating system is Windows XP 32-bit. I followed the user guide to set the table paths up correctly using the setup wizard by launching settings.exe. When I launch PinballX.exe, it shows the wheel and tables briefly, then a Runtime Error pops up. It reads... Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Runtime Error! Program: c:\PinballX\PinballX.exe This application has requested the Runtime to terminate in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information. However, when I disable Visual Pinball in the setup wizard, then the PinballX skeleton appears, with 0 tables, and NO Runtime Error. I don't know what is causing the error. Please advise.
  20. Howdy! I'm a recent convert to PinballX & VPinMAME and have been setting them up recently, enjoying it quite a bit. I can't seem to find any information on PinballX not alphabetizing the game list. I've got my MaLa on the wheel and would like it to be before the 'A' of the pinball games. Is it possible to stop PinballX from alphabetizing the games and just ordering them the way I've listed them in the XML? Thank you very much!
  21. Hello everyone! I love this front end and it's working great for Future Pinball , but not so much for visual pinball. Here are my problems- 1- When playing a visual pinball table from Pinball X, it loads in a small windowed mode. (future pinball works fine) 2- When attempting to set wheel icons for VP, the icons will not display in Pinball X (future pinball icons work fine) I have tried various combinations of full screen , yes/no in settings. Icons for other systems (future pinball) work fine, VP does not. Thank you so much for your help!
  22. hello folks, trying to add to pbx the new table for vpx america's most haunted i couldn't found here's the link http://www.ipdb.org/machine.cgi?id=6161 thanks
  23. When I open the PinballX menu I have a choice for Modern Tables (See attached pic), and in that menu are 6 tables. I don't understand where that choice is coming from, or how those tables got in there. I have checked under PinballX Databases and see no Modern.XML file in any folder, I have searched the SSD for modern and find no modern.xml file on the drive. I have checked in the game list manager and there is no Modern group and none of the tables have Modern as a manufacturer. Any ideas where this is may be coming from? Early on I had planned to have two groups Classic and Modern, I do see the Classic.XML under Visual Pinball, so I may have created the Modern at some point, but it is not visible in the Game list manager, or in any .XML I can find in the system. Also what does the type mean SS or EM mean? Thanks in advance for any assistance figuring this out.
  24. In the pinballx game manager running as admin I have two boxes not retaining the import settings. Terminator 2 and Star trek TNG importing wheel,playfield, backglass etc shows it imported and updated then after the items are saved. The program is closed and reopened all setting are reverted to Org missing status. I have 10 other boxes that loaded just fine. I looked through the forums and didn't find anything similer to what i am experieneing. I have tried all the items on those boxes and readded them and no change. Any insight would be nice. TKX PinballX.ini
  25. Hey guys, I have VP and FP+BAM running fairly well in PinballX. However there is a long delay when I launch any table from PinballX and a fairly long delay when exiting a table, back to the menu. Future Pinball (using BAM) When I launch a FP table in PinballX, it takes 10 seconds before the I can see the table trying to load (via flickering, but that is for a different post). Then it takes another 12 seconds for the "Loading" screen to appear on the play field, then another 10 or so seconds for the table to load. When I exit the table, it takes 8 seconds before returning to the PinballX menu. Visual Pinball When I launch a VP table in PinballX, it takes 17 seconds for the table to load. When I exit the table, it takes 9 seconds before returning to the PinballX menu. The numbers are not exactly the same for all tables, but is a good example of the average. For this, I tested Twilight Zone for FP and VP. I've seen video of other people's cabinets launching/exiting FP and VP tables, and there is minimal delay when loading or exiting. What am I doing wrong? Is it a setting or would additional RAM help? My system specs: AMD A10-7850K Radeon R7 Quad Core 3.70 Ghz Sapphire Dual-X Radeon R9 280 3GB 384-Bit GDDR5 GPU Gigabyte GA-F2A88XM-D3H FM2+/FM2 AMD A88X 6Gb Motherboard 120GB SSD 8GB RAM Windows 7 Thanks in advance!
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